To foster, in the people of Laredo and Webb County, Texas an appreciation for the Americanism of George Washington and for the sterling qualities he exemplified which earned him the appellation "Father of Our Country and a true appreciation of the qualities of Martha Washington which earned her the title of "First Lady of the Land." To further the proper observance and celebration of the birthday of "The Father of Our Country." To raise scholarship funds to assist local high school students in attending a program that will provide them with tangible experiences of government operations, foster patriotism and encourage an interest in political science and history. To observe the Washington's Birthday Celebration and raise funds for the above mentioned scholarships by sponsoring an annual colonial pageant and ball at which the Society's debutantes and citizens portraying George and Martha Washington shall be presented in accordance with the Society's constitution, bylaws, and standing rules.

Join Us for the 2024 SMW Pink Walk to Benefit Mercy Clinic Breast Cancer Patients 

October 5, 2024